Also leicht wird das nicht / easy it cannot be

[installation views at Art residency/festival „Begehungen“, Spinnerei Chemnitz, 2015]

sound installation and radio play
with Julia Boswank 

as for the sound installation -
2 speakers 
2 big buttons 
1 arduino 
150 sound files (about 3 hours) 
set-up for further engagement and take-away 
with the voices of inhabitants and tourists of Chemnitz 

as for the radio/audio play -
duration 22:13 min
published by Hörspielsommer Leipzig
“14. Internationales Hörspielfestival” 

(ISBN 978-3-86847-194-6, CD)

Drawing from the insights of recent reserach into public sound cultures, the sound installation aims to merge public expressions of on­line commentary sections with the actual physical shape of urban material. Through the inscription, and of course reflection, ampli­fication and fade-out of spoken words in a small section of a wall, pavement or street corner through simple, yet invisible, loudspea­kers, we are able to create a situation of possible surprise, eruptive thought, confusion, just noise, loss or even sudden common talk. 
The situation is an open one, temporary and sensual, not prescri­bing the decision of how to react to it. 

The foreign and unknown, its arrival, integration and curious questioning is currently excessively negotiated - espe­cially in the online commentary sections of the national press. Here you find a mingle-mangle of creative insults, beautiful de­scriptions, sarcasm and autistic statements and therefore a textu­al base for the project itself. 

The commentaries are being read out, spoken, re-enacted, recorded via simply inquiring people in the public space. The text then becomes sub­ject to new comments and finally replayable through buzzers in­stalled in the mentioned urban niches. 

Concerning the audio pieces as being used within the sound installation at the art festival “Begehungen” in Chemnitz as well as for the radio play as published by Hörspielfestival Leipzig, the artists Julia and Dina Boswank confronted transcriptions of the comments as being read out and critically engaged in, with their own memories of the interview’s circumstances and surroundings.

[installation views at Art residency/festival „Begehungen“ at Spinnerei Chemnitz, 2015]

[installation views at art residency/festival „Begehungen“ at Spinnerei Chemnitz, 2015 // 
presented and published through Hörspielsommer Leipzig, 2016 // 
presentation at Geräuschkulisse Leipzig, 2017 and Hörspielfestival Wittenberg, 2017]

excerpt of a script for the radio play]